Murder, She Vaped: The Ironic T-Shirt Caper
A Judy Scoffs Mystery
A raucous, unrelenting assault of violence and cultural references. Get immersed in America’s premiere hipster murder mystery.
“Los Angeles is no place to be poor. Once you’ve had the $11 version of something, you can’t go back to the store brand.”
MURDER, SHE VAPED is a new series featuring Silver Lake barista Judy Scoffs, the coolest girl in Los Angeles who has a sixth sense for when something’s not right or when someone’s being sexist online. Even though she’s super indie and fun, somehow death and crime follow her wherever she goes. Along with her sidekick/roommate Doll, Judy is unafraid to tackle even the most baffling mysteries.
In THE IRONIC T-SHIRT CAPER, a crime wave has hit Echo Park, as nostalgic shirts purchased from a local vintage shop vanish overnight from customers’ closets, replaced by ones with current references a grown adult might enjoy, like “True Crime Podcasts” and “In-Unit Washer/Dryer.” Judy and Doll dive into a world of shady clothing magnates, outlandish performance artists, and cynical bloggers to get to the bottom of this supernatural frenzy before everyone in town has to start defining themselves through something other than their clothing.
“I was on top of the world when kids still hung out at the mall. Now they’re too busy eating avocado toast and investing in their futures like assholes. Back in my day, bullies made life hell for gay kids and weirdos, so they forked over their parents’ money to buy studded chokers and black nail polish. It was the golden age!”
What Is This Garbage?
The Ironic T-Shirt Caper is a postmodern mystery novel, featuring fast-talking characters and way too many jokes. Basically, imagine if Holmes and Watson were self-aware hipsters living in Echo Park. If you’re a fan of Agatha Christie or Raymond Chandler, you’ll probably find it insulting to your intelligence. If you’re a fan of comedies like Deadpool or The Nice Guys, you’ll probably find it insulting to your intelligence. If you consider yourself to be a hipster, or you despise them, this book is for you. Give it a try. You won’t find too many novels like this one.
“You see my man over there? He’s got a hat with a buckle on it. His girlfriend wears a petticoat and a bustle. We put on straw hats and catch our dinner at the fishing hole with a line tied to my big toe. That shit is so fuckin’ quaint! The quaintest shit you’ve ever seen!”
Did You Know?
Murder, She Vaped: The Ironic T-Shirt Caper is available on Kindle Unlimited!
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“My dynamic painting group is meeting. We blindfold ourselves and create art, then someone comes in and removes the canvases before we take our blindfolds off, so we never see what we painted. It’s really the purest form of expression.”